Strictly Curated Community
Thousands of expertly vetted professionals in Software Engineering, Data, AI, Product Management and Design.
Fully vetted
Full or part time
Avg. 11 years of experience

Andrea Franke
Director Engineering, Gorillas

Powered By Experts
Staffing is done by our CTO-level experts, enabling us to fully grasp our clients' needs and identify the ideal candidates for their projects and jobs.
Expert matching (Human & AI)
CTO sparring
Ideal fits, every time

Heiko Franz
Director of Engineering, Awin

Managed Platform
The efficiency of our proprietary platform meets the convenience of our managed service. It's like a magic ATS where the ideal candidates simply appear.
Fully compliant
Simple invoicing, reporting, payments
Managed service

Anton Kononov
Founder, FORMEL Skin